And They’re Off

The countdown has been officially noted for a couple of weeks, with Hot Wheels making the announcement at some point each day.

“12 days till we go to Boston!”

“11 days till we go to Boston!”

and so on, as is the nature of a countdown. Yesterday he popped out of bed at 6 and dashed into the kitchen with a big grin and said in a rush, “2daystillwegotoBoston!!” He then climbed up onto one of our kitchen stools. Tom asked him what he’d like for breakfast. He sat. Thought. Then gave himself a little shake, climbed down, and went back to bed.

Now it’s officially 0 days till we go to Boston! And I’ve got to try and catch some sleep, as I’ll be up in about five hours. Wahoo!!! Man your stations, everybody, INCOMING!